Is Treason Now Systemic
Released on: October 28, 2008, 7:14 pm
Industry: Government
Press Release Summary: Is Treason Now Systemic?
Press Release Body: (WASHINGTON, D.C.) In a powerful precursor to the financial crisis, a former counsel to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee suggests that treason is now imbedded in a consensus mindset that ensured a Depression-era meltdown.
The widely acclaimed author of Democracy at Risk: Rescuing Main Street From Wall Street (2000), attorney Jeff Gates argues in Guilt By Association that the combination of free market ideology, lax regulations and easy credit were destined to undermine America's financial security and ravage the retirement savings of an entire generation.
With a sophisticated yet accessible analysis, the author chronicles the keen similarities between this latest market crash and what he calls the financial "pump and dump" that typified the savings and loan fraud of the late 1980s and the crash of 2000. Then, as now, Wall Street sophisticates skimmed the financial cream at the top and then bought assets on the cheap as markets tumbled.
In an account that links the origins of this mindset to a culture steeped in organized crime, Guilt presents an evidentiary trail chronicling how those complicit routinely conspire to displace facts with what people can be deceived to believe. That mental manipulation can range from a false belief in Iraqi WMD and mobile biological weapons laboratories to a "consensus" faith in the infallibility of unfettered financial markets.
The first release in the Criminal State series, Guilt By Association chronicles the relationship between organized crime, pro-Israeli policies and the fixed intelligence that led America to war in Iraq and now threatens war with Iran. While delivering on its promise to "make treason transparent," this book also proposes a shift in financial policy and a reappraisal of U.S.-Israeli relations.
An attorney, investment banker, educator and consultant to government, corporate and union leaders worldwide, Jeff Gates' previous books include The Ownership Solution: Toward a Shared Capitalism for the 21st Century. Endorsers for these earlier books include CEOs, heads of state, legislators, commentators and Nobel laureates in both peace and economics.
This book is available now. For more information, or to order, go to
Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. (ISBN: 978-0-9821315-0-3; $27.95; 320 pages; 5" x 8"; perfect bound soft cover; State Street Publications).
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Contact Details: Jeff Gates STATE STREET PUBLICATIONS 480-994-1492
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